Psoriasis is an affliction of the skin that affects around 4% of the world’s population. We will be focusing on psoriasis of the scalp mainly but all the information is relevant to entire body and would help to manage this condition.

Psoriasis may greatly interfere with normal life as it can be unsightly, very uncomfortable and very hard to keep under control, while there are definite triggers for this condition, it may flare up randomly for no apparent reason.

The medical profession deem it as an inherited condition that, while it can be managed, it is incurable. From both a naturopathic and Trichology perspective, we do not hold this same view.

What exactly is psoriasis?

    Psoriasis is known as an auto immune system (A.N.S.) condition where by when there is inflammation, the skin, cells multiply faster than normal so the amount of shedding you would experience over a month period, is accelerated to about 4 days! This of course creates a build-up of scale on the skin and scalp and may form plaques and a fine layer of flakes over the entire scalp.

    Primarily it is found around the neck, the ears, hair line and crown. This can also lead to a redness in these areas and an itchy and painful sensation which increases if the condition is not treated. Psoriasis is NOT contagious but it can create a social stigma for the person who does not want to be seen by others in that state.

    Most of the current treatment modalities recommended by both doctors and dermatologists are to use tar base topical solutions and steroid based creams which help to slow down the scalp proliferation and also sulphur based solutions to help remove the scale. They will also recommend medications such as an oral retinoid which contains larger doses of vitamin A and other drugs which have been used in the treatment of cancer.

    What triggers psoriasis?

    While it is recognized as an underlying condition there are some obvious triggers such as contact allergens, over processed foods, coffee, alcohol, and dairy products, stress and environmental conditions.

    There has been a term used in recent times known as the GUT BRAIN connection and it is now understood that the gut produces many or the substances that make up the neurotransmitters of our nervous system which enable the brain to receive and de code information needed to keep the body functioning. It is now known that Serotonin is produced in the gut and this is a hormone that determines both our moods and sleep patterns.

    Psoriasis is often triggered due to a high stress response, this response create a flood of cortisone through the body, which the body needs to respond in a… fight or flight mode. If the stress is prolonged then this hormone stays in the system and creates lots of havoc to the A.N.S.

    How do you treat psoriasis?

    So the first thing to look at is the gut flora and it is very important to maintain the correct acid alkaline balance in the gut, primarily minimalizing acid forming foods as they lead to inflammation.

    The liver is the filter system for the body and its main role is to rid the body of toxins and flush through the good nutrients and healthy bacteria through the blood stream. It has now been proven that the liver has an almost direct influence on the thyroid gland so that is why a healthy liver is important. The other main reason is that when the liver is not functioning well it will eliminate waste via the skin and scalp which will contribute to a sore and itchy condition.

    The environment plays a part too as low levels of vitamin D that is received via sunlight will affect the skin, It is accepted that most skin conditions get worse in winter because of this and also because most of us default to comfort foods and we also wear more clothes.

    To summarize this treatment regime:

    • Preferably a gluten free diet increase anti-oxidant foods
    • Liver support via dark leafy vegetable, more raw foods, plenty of pure water and detoxifying teas increase in fish and decreasing fatty red meat
    • Supplementation with vitamin B12 , essential fatty acids (E.F.A,S.) zinc, turmeric
    • More outdoor activity for mind, body and soul
    • Natural hair and skin care products including laundry, kitchen, sink and garden

    Treating psoriasis with NJR hair routine

    • Apply drops of a good quality almond or avocado oil to the affected areas, leave on for minimum of an hour.
    • Do a DRY shampoo using NJR shea hydrate shampoo to remove product then, once in the shower, rinse and repeat.
    • Follow up with the shea hydrate conditioner then, before you step out of the shower and when you have turned off the water, apply the NJR ACV co wash formulation directly to the scalp and LEAVE IT IN do not rinse out. As it is a water based solution it will evaporate but mean time it helps to restore the scalp to the correct P.H. level. Ensure that your styling products are chemical free and non-irritating
    • Do not use forced heat such as a blow dryer – allow the hair to dry naturally without interfering with the shape so as not to aggravate the scalp
    • Day two you can apply the NJR Beach wave spray directly to the scalp not only to refresh but also the natural sea salt will minimise any flare ups

    NJR Hair is dedicated not only to healthy hair but also a healthy scalp and we are here to help and support or clients and are happy to answer and questions you may have about this condition.